IPL's chief Lalit Modi, the George W Bush of world cricket, dreaded by rivals, loved by millions and loathed by many more millions, is now all set to expand his frontiers beyond India. Emboldened by the two new additions, Pune and Kochi, into the ranks of the moolah-making machine that Lalit Modi’s brainchild has become, he is now eyeing the North American continent.
Onionuttapam News has learnt off the record that Hollywood stars are being wooed with a vengeance by Lalit Modi, now that the Tiger has been de-clawed and the sheen of golf has been ripped off and sports hungry viewers in the North American continent, bored by creative and brainy commercials during Superbowl, are looking for replacements to make their weekends a blur of no-brainer ads laced with beer.
We are also hearing reports that US President Obama is secretly in talks with Lalit Modi to work out the nitty-gritties of holding the tournament on the American soil. From reliable sources, we have learnt that Obama is impressed how Lalit Modi is successfully distracting Indians, in the midst of an awful inflation, with the Rs.19000 crores IPL circus and is hoping that Lalit Modi will be able to replicate his magic in his country replete with massive problems like ballooning deficits, record debt levels, bust in housing market, increasing unemployment and a long recession that is threatening to turn into Great Depression part two.
With consumer spending continuing to disappoint despite record viewership of Superbowl commercials last month, American economy desperately needs a boost. Many analysts in US believe that if IPL is introduced in the American continent, it will give the much-needed boost to its economy and at the very least keep Americans distracted from their increasing financial problems for another month.
"Despite worldwide recession, Indian economy is doing exceedingly well. While unemployment levels in US & Europe are reaching alarming levels, in India recruitment agencies are gleefully screaming that 'Jobs are back'. Our Indian analysts at Morgan Stanley say that the winning combination of IPL and pathetic advertising is mainly responsible for the buoyancy in the Indian economy." said one of the top economic advisors to Obama on conditions of anonymity. "We have been closely studying the IPL and have come to the conclusion that were it not for IPL and bad advertising that somehow encourages Indian consumers to buy more stuff, Indian economy would have suffered as hard as most of economies all over the world."
According to the economic advisor, American sports competitions, like NBA and NFL championships which have, along with regular wars on foreign soils, traditionally played a very important role in keeping the US economy buoyant, are failing to provide the boost they generally do. With the planned war on Iran proving to be a non-starter, US needs a commercial sporting extravaganza as popular as IPL, said the expert advisor.
"The falling American economy is a proof that Superbowl commercials are too creative for average American sports-lovers and have failed to engage their masses. If American economy has to get back on its feet, it is vitally important that Americans start buying stuff induced by watching brain-dead commercials, the kind of which we see on IPL."
In order to replicate the success of IPL on American soil, it will not only have exactly the same formula used for the Indian tournament, the American Premier League will have similar atrocious advertising that marks commercial breaks of IPL. Reports say that Lalit Modi is planning to rope in Indian advertising agencies to produce terrible, loud, asinine commercials for consumers of American products. Like their Indian counterparts, the American commentators will be provided training to lace their commentary with phrases like "DLF Maximum' and 'Citi Moment of Success".
Those who know Lalit Modi say that the ambitious tycoon of the Modi scion is not likely to be satisfied with just expanding his cricket empire to the American shores. He wants it to be a yearlong event spanning the globe. East Asia with Hong Kong and Singapore already have sent feelers to Lalit with D Company making a strong pitch and ready to offer glamour from its banks of starlets from different regions. What this means to the known economy remains to be known and what it does to the unknown economy is in the realms of the unknown. But bankers everywhere with fingers in different pies will be scratching their palms in glee.
As for the spectators who are expected to sit and watch over the proceedings in person, large screens and at homes, cricket will become a different ball game. Says Ronnie TeeViewala, “ This behemoth in the making is sending shivers down the spine of mega serial producers and they are racking their brains to come-up with other alternatives.” Our Media Analyst opines that in a few years time the IPL will become a money spinner in myriad ways. Spinning money into the coffers of not only the franchisees but the googlies and doosras would send everyone associated with Brand IPL crying in joy all the way to the nearest ATM.
And why not? The Indian Government quick to latch on to anything that has a vague scent of money has thrown a lot of freebies to the host centres. Electricity is cheaper. Chartered flights have been waived from paying landing fees and this includes all the equipment that is moved back and forth. Apparel makers are exempted from VAT and so on and so forth. Who pays for all this? The Great Indian Public by way of accessing content over TV, Mobiles and the Internet.
The down side? There aint anything but a whole lot of generations vying to be wannabe Pollards who by way of practice will break windows, windscreens of cars in their haste to get into any IPL team by being the neighbourhood gully’s wrecker-in-chief or bone-crusher-in-chief. All in all it’s jolly good fun.