by Maverick58
Now with Nandan Nilekani also eating away his security-limelight, P.Chidambaram feels he has lost it. In a candid monologue to his bathroom mirror who is the only witness to Chiddu bhai's secret of how many silver hairs he has while he pretend-believes that he has none, he spoke for a long time about the travails he has undergone as the No:2, in the COM. His home state ffers him no solace, his constituents boo at him, every time he turns up to inaugurate a primary school in the middle of nowhere or a dry hand-pump in a water-starved habitation and wax eloquent on the need to conserve water.
His obedient yet traitorous fax machine decided to take matters into its small maw and sent a discreet flirt-ping to its mate across the border asking for some help. And help did arrive in pages and pages that were stored digitally and the editing, copy-paste work began in earnest in tandem. Finally, in the aftermath of their warbling orgasm, the electronic tele-printers, faxes all over the country started pinging the news that set off the Richter 10 temblor that is shaking the corridors of spooks. Apparently, the ISI machine was so much in love with its Indian counterpart that it decided to burn the asset to bring her back to its original place - a cubby hole in the bathroom of used teleprinter which was locked in the cellar of a room that was out of bounds to everybody including to the cleaning room. It did so, by sending a fax to the genial sardar, who has only one blue turban, India's prime minister ( Are there any non-prime ministers? ) that apparently was written by Thiru.P.Chidambaram himself, a brief one-liner, I resign from the Cabinet with immediate effect.