May 20, 2010

Exclusive Eyjafjallajokull spout!

by Maverick58

We sent our intrepid reporter for special spouts, Monisha Koibhinahin, after ascertaining the womb trails in Mother Gaia, not known to many and known to a few ( not including Rumsfeld ) to interview the headline dominating spout, Eyjafjallajokull, for an exclusive to world media who are currently speculating about the end-time of Eyjafjallajokull's spout. While Monisha Koibhinahin, is rather unknown like the spout, she is no stranger to hot places, however high she and they maybe. Following are the excerpts:

Through the crawl-space, 118 miles underneath the surface, donning a thermal-suit, the curvaceous Monisha Koibhinahin, located the stomach of all the four volcanos ( Grimsvotn, Hekla and Askja, which are all larger than Eyjafjallajokull ), which was connected to the DungHole other wise known as Deepwater Horizon. Snacking on Lays Magic Masala, the four volcanos were chuckling over some private joke with DH. Eyjafjallajokull, was the first to notice Monisha's presence ad began frothing, lightly and as a result the whole of Europe shut own their airports in a hurry.



