by Maverick58
For, without the breathtaking news generated by Lalit, Pawar and Shashank, every other bit of news breaking or normal looks and sounds so dull. While they were around and the news-channel hounds in heat were trotting all over the place under direct command of the anchor, it was fun. I remember flipping from channel to channel to see who was leading with the latest tidbit be it be Lalit's timed farts to the salivating cameras or the controlled burps of Shashank or the devilish glare of Pawar.An occasional glimpse of the mysterious woman, whats-her-name, would set my pulse pounding.
I wonder what Lalit is doing now? Is he allowed to use his private jet? Why hasnt he come out from wherever his current rat-hole is? Why O why is he making us suffer? My middle-brain tells me he will surface after the 15 day time-period with his answers to the asks posed to him by the Bad Cricketing Company of India, who have in their midst a smattering of cricketers and a over-loaded list of cricketer-wannabes with satiated dreams of being a cricketer by mere association, leaving their middle stump exposed to the knockings of two shriveled worn out balls.
Someone ping me if Lalit shows his face on TV, until then let me do my sudoku, jumble and crossword in peace!