India's reigning deity Vishnu ruled out a composite dialogue with Pakistan's ruling God, Sub-Allah [For the uninitiated, it means Sindhi-Urdu (speaking)-Brown Allah] in the near future. Vishnu told Sub-Allah that in the coming meeting with him, they can discuss all subjects, but he will only focus on Jehad. Vishnu conveyed the messsege through Narad Muni who landed at the residence of Sub-Allah's representative in Vaikunth, Shahid Mullah for discussions ahead of the coming talks between the two gods.
Lord Vishnu is focused on re-engaging with Sub-Allah. Despite the failure of Sub-Allah to reign in his Jehadi army, Lord Vishnu hopes to steer ties with him away from the 'zones of confrontation' and feels such an initiative can help put a favorable spotlight on Indian gods. Well-placed sources say that Lord Vishnu feels that changing tracks after the recent blast in Bharatvarsha's town of Punya Nagari will amount to succumbing to forces opposed to peace between the two gods and their empires on Planet Earth.
Ever since Sub-Allah used his influence with Yahweh, the fierce Judeo-christian god who had defeated the forces of Vishnu & Sub-Allah and reigned over Bharatvarsha for over two centuries, to carve a separate Pakistan out of India, both the gods have been locked in a fierce confrontation for the control of Kashmir, said to be only heaven on earth. The battle for the control of earthly heaven has turned Kashmir into a hell for the followers of both the gods. But that doesn't seem to bother the two gods too much..