“Namaskaram, OUji. Why have you named your site as onionuttapam, why not onionpesarattu, the choicest dish of us Andhraites?”
“Ahem! One of our writers loves the spicy Tamilnadu dish, sir. Shall we speak about cricket and the Telengana Rose Award?”
“Yes, yes ( smiles) Soniaji will be pleased, no?”
“Our correspondent from Delhi reports that she is maha-delighted with your googly.”
“She will keep me as AP Mukhya Mantri, then, eh?”
“What does the Telengana Rose Award mean and represent?”
“You see, young chap, I have been in politics for more years than your age. In politics every development is an opportunity to be fully utilized for your personal benefit ultimately. These chaps from other states and other countries came and looted money from us Andhraites and now simply because some disgruntled handful of men threaten to throw stones and burn chairs how can they take away cricket from this Rajya of mine, I say?”
“The cricketers are worried that some one will throw stones and then they will not be able to fulfill the terms of their contract.”
“Ah! Stones indeed. But you see I have a fool-proof plan for their security that will increase the TV ratings too.”
“What is it sir?”
“Every spectator, commentator, cameraman, security personnel will have to strip down to their birthday dress and wear the fig-leaf dress especially made from the dried leaves that abound in the hinterlands of Telengana. What better way to bring the nation’s attention to the vexatious T-Problem? So there will be no question of stone throwing and besides all these non-bio-degradable fabrics are harmful to the body and land because of the effluents that are produced by manufacturing them. Also, we are examining the possibility of the stumps, bats and balls to be made from the deadwood stumps that litter the Telengana landscape. You see the Naxals of Telengana have nowhere to hide, nowadays. Also, the dancers will wear see-through fig leaves, a pet invention of my grandson. TV ratings will zoom, I say. And it will be a wonderful tamasha all-in-all”
“Duh? That is an original out-of-the-box idea sir. And when are the awards being presented, sir?”
“Since it is going to be a rose, it will be on February 14th at the cricket stadium to show the Andhraites love for the game and the organizers and players of the 11-idiots’ game.”
“Thank you for the sizzling interview, sir”
(Contributed by Maverick58)