Patherya who had raised his voice against Shahrukh Khan-owned-Red Chillies Entertainment-owned, Kolkota Knight Rider's merchandise deal with the promoter of Lux Cozi chaddi-baniyans, Ashok Todi and successfully pressurized him to freeze the deal, said at a press conference that he and his fellow activists decided to protest against the deal as protesting against SRK was the easiest way to gain attention of an apathetic nation.
"Rizwanur was suicided by Todi's goons in September 2007. It is now over two years, but not only does Todi continue to evade the lambe haath of kanoon by buying top cops and politicians of Kolkota utilizing his hundreds of crores that he generated selling baniyans and chaddis, he still continues to sell chaddi-baniyans unhindered and unhampered. In these two years, we saw this man make a mockery of the system using the clout created by his Rs.200 crore Lux Cozi empire, but at no point of time anyone in this country made a serious attempt to put an end to his cash inflow."
"The media of this country kept bemoaning how rich and influential people in India can get away with murder. But they didn't bother to tell you that the chaddis and baniyans you are wearing underneath your clothes are the very reason he has so much money in his chaddi pocket. And you didn't care to find out yourself." said an angry Patherya.
"For all of you - newspapers, TV channels, advertising agencies, distributors, retailers - it was business as usual. Todi's turnover from his baniyan-chaddi business kept growing as usual, but no one gave a damn."
Patherya said that while he too hates Shahrukh Khan for associating his team, Kolkota Knight Riders with Lux Cozi, he is happy that he cut a deal with Todi. "For over a year, we have been raising hell asking people to burn their Lux chaddis and baniyans, but no one cared. But the moment we protested against SRK's deal, everyone jumped in registering their protest. Our electronic and print media, which had repeatedly ignored our requests to boycott Lux chaddi ads, too headlined our protest. All of a sudden, the country woke up and realized that Lux Cozi chaddis are bad."
"I wish SRK does many more stupid things in his life and inadvertently provides many such opportunities to us to raise our voice against important issues that get overlooked by the nation because of his absence or lack of involvement."