Anything our government can do, India's richest man can do it better. Recently in news for voluntarily deciding to take a hefty 66% pay-cut, Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani has set a personal example of moderation. Not one to rest on his laurels, Mukesh Ambani is keen to take his austerity drive on an entirely new orbit. Yesterday evening at a press conference held at his company headquarters, Ambani announced a series of measures that will set new standards of austerity making him Asia's most austere billionaire.
"Our government has taken admirable measures to curb wasteful expenditure. In my view, not just ministers even corporate heads should travel economy. Taking a leaf out of our government's austerity drive, I've decided that from now onwards me and my wife will only travel by economy class. I'm going to create a special economy class in the luxury Airbus 319 jet that I had gifted to my dearest wife on her birthday. I, my wife and my kids will only travel using this section of our private jet." said Mukesh Ambani.
"Our government has taken admirable measures to curb wasteful expenditure. In my view, not just ministers even corporate heads should travel economy. Taking a leaf out of our government's austerity drive, I've decided that from now onwards me and my wife will only travel by economy class. I'm going to create a special economy class in the luxury Airbus 319 jet that I had gifted to my dearest wife on her birthday. I, my wife and my kids will only travel using this section of our private jet." said Mukesh Ambani.