May 20, 2009

Rahul Gandhi to join cabinet as Minister for PM-in-waiting

Rahul Gandhi, 37, son of Congress President, Sonia Gandhi, will be sworn into the cabinet as Minister for PM-in-waiting, a newly established ministry specially created to ease in the young Gandhi into the role of India's future Prime Minister. This new ministry will continue to function until Prime Minister Manmohan Singh kicks the bucket or resigns prematurely on health grounds due to constant pressure from sycophants of Gandhi family to retire, whichever is earlier. The ministry of PM-in-waiting has been created by the Prime Minister to mollify the large number of sycophants in the Congress party who cannot bear to see Rahul Gandhi in any post lesser in status than the post of Prime Minister.

As minister for PM-in-waiting, Rahul Gandhi will act as a shadow prime minister of the country taking credit for all the achievements of the government without sharing any blame for any of its possible future failures. The newly created ministry, which will have a staff entirely composed of trusted toadies and loyalists of Gandhi family, including several reputed journalists, has been formed with a view to establish Rahul Gandhi as the undoubted choice of the nation as the next Prime Minister of the country.

rahul_gandhiThe ministry for PM-in-waiting is expected to launch nationwide propaganda drive to convince the people of the country that Rahul Gandhi is the most perfect candidate and a natural choice to takeover the job of Prime Minister of India, once the present Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh steps down due to deteriorating health or death.

The ministry will undertake a 5-point plan to promote the idea of Rahul Gandhi as the best candidate for the post of India's Prime Minister. With the help of a pliant print and electronic media, he will be projected as India's equivalent of US president Barack Obama who will single-handedly change the country and fulfil the aspirations of millions of youngsters.

- News anchors, expert political commentators, talking heads in television studios and all congress politicians will always talk about him using words and phrases such as 'youthful', 'dynamic'. 'charismatic', 'a fresh face' etc. They will constantly credit him for revitalizing the congress party and keep hailing him as the architect of the party's remarkable victory at the polls.

- All ministers of the cabinet, including the Prime Minister, will credit Rahul Gandhi for providing them with fresh, new ideas at periodic intervals. During interviews with media, ministers and congress functionaries will casually talk about chance encounters and conversations with him and how these conversations inspired them to embark on fresh new projects for the betterment of the nation.

- At every conceivable opportunity, congress functionaries will demand that 'Rahul-ji' should takeover as India's Prime Minister, taking care to clarify that their demand is just a 'personal opinion'. They will lose no opportunity in praising the leadership qualities of Rahul Gandhi and projecting him as the fresh, young leader that Indian voters are desperately waiting for.

- Every action or step taken by Rahul Gandhi will be heralded as a sign of his coming-of-age as a politician and as evidence of his increasing maturity as a leader by talking heads on television. He will receive more media coverage than any other politician and his every utterance, however insignificant it might be, will be treated as 'breaking news' of highest national importance.

- At regular intervals, newspapers and news channels will conduct doctored opinion polls that will show him as recipient of highest percentage of votes and reinforce the view that majority of Indians would like to see him as India's Prime Minister.