May 1, 2009

Low Voter Turnout in Mumbai. Why?

Despite anger over 26/11 attacks and heavily promoted nationwide campaign by a tea company to wake up voters, Mumbai witnessed only a 43 % voter turnout, 4% lower compared to previous elections. The low voter turnout has shocked politicians, pollsters and media who expected a far better response this time. Anchors at television news channels who spent thousands of hours discussing the potential outcomes of the polls are understandably dismayed and are making lot of noises about voter apathy.

According to one bright, young lady at a business channel, we get the government we deserve and if we finish up with a bad government, we will have lost the right to complain. Another television reporter wondered if Mumbaikars have already forgotten the 'traumatic' events of 26th November. Some of them bemoaned that while superstars like Shahrukh Khan & Aamir Khan flew in from South Africa & US to cast their votes, the common Mumbaikar didn't care less. All of them were unanimous that it was a sad day for Mumbai, forgetting that the majority of Mumbaikars didn't quite share their sorrow.

Why did majority of Mumbaikars preferred to stay indoors?
