A user trial of a phallic resembling thing, which supposedly has the capability of partially obliterating the country of Pakistan during a potential future event when India and Pakistan will mutually strike each other with nuclear-enabled phallic things in an effort to mutually fuck each other in order to grab full and complete control of the troubled state of Jammu & Kashmir, ended up tragically obliterating itself before it could take off.
The nine metre-tall phallic thing, propelled by sticky, watery fluid, with a shooting range long enough to wipe out any territory inside of Pakistan, was fired from a launching device early in the morning from some place in state of Orissa. But sources in the Defense Research and Development Organisation said due to possible ‘ejectile dysfunction’, this thing just did not shoot off from its launch-pad.
Though authorities were not immediately available for comment, defence sources said this sophisticated thing could not take off during the planned trial from its launch-pad due to possible "thrust deficit”, a complex condition that arises from several factors ranging from performance anxiety to overwhelming negative feelings.
The failure to this thing to get off the ground was either due to nervousness associated with space-fright or possibly due to the air of despondency that has gripped the nation as a result of collapsing footbridges and ceilings," they said, adding that the missile could have been suffering from a crisis of confidence due to the general lack of ability of things built by government departments to stay strong and erect.