Feb 21, 2010

Student who killed himself by self-immolation for Telangana finds himself in heavenly Telangana

The nineteen year old young boy, S. Yadeiah, who died after self-immolating himself in the Osmania University campus in support of a separate Telangana state, found himself in a separate Telangana state in heaven.

As soon as he died succumbing to his burns at Apollo Hospital, his astral body traveled through a white tunnel for a few minutes finally ending near a signboard, which read "Welcome to Telangana, Heaven" in three languages - Telegu, Urdu and English. But Yadeiah's joy at the answering of his prayers for a separate Telangana state was short-lived as he found that he was the sole inhabitant of the state. He traveled frantically for several miles across the vast expanse in his new environment, but while the landscape of the heavenly state was similar to the Telangana he knew and loved while on earth, he couldn't find any sign of life in the place. Not even a barking stray dog. Or even a mosquito.

Frustrated at finding himself in a barren wasteland, feeling terribly lonely, desolate and forlorn in an environment which seemed eerily familiar yet incredibly alien, the young boy started screaming and shouting for help "Anybody here?" he cried at the top of his voice. After many long hours, which to him felt like many years, some heavenly entity heard his desperate pleadings for help and materialized before him.


This heavenly entity, which appeared to him in the form of N.T.Ramarao, the deceased chief minister of Andhra Pradesh who in his lifetime on earth had played the roles of all Hindu gods in Tollywood movies, informed him solemnly that in heavenly worlds all unfulfilled desires at the time of the death of the mortal body are immediately fulfilled. Since he had died demanding a separate Telangana state, he was granted the state in heaven. "Now enjoy your Telangana!" said NTR-lookalike and vanished in thin air.

The boy pleaded for him to reappear and after many more hours of imploring the heavens to have mercy on him which felt to him like many years, NTR's heavenly clone reappeared and asked him irritatedly, "What now, boy? You wanted Telangana, you got your Telangana. What more do you want?"

"But where is everyone? I can't live alone here!" replied the boy.

"Dude, till now no one who has died and reached heaven has expressed interest in living in Telangana state. Almost everyone who finds himself or herself in heaven desires a beautiful paradise abundant with beautiful, nubile apsaras or greek gods. Once you reach heaven, you forget all your earthly identities. All your stupid identifications with your caste, community, region, state or nationality that you develop on earth begin to look ridiculous when you reach here. Heaven is for fun, not for identity politics, you dummy. You are the lone idiot who has arrived here strongly desiring a Telangana state. Now, until some more assholes like you kill themselves demanding a separate Telangana for themselves, you are doomed to live here alone. Brace yourself, kid!"

According to astral reports that we have received via swarglok.com, S. Yedeiah is trying very hard to establish telepathic contact with his friends from Nagaram village and also with the agitating students of Osmania University, hoping to brainwash some of them into killing themselves. Yedeiah, of course, has the option to utilize his heavenly mental powers to strongly desire the real heaven filled with nymphs and apsaras, to extract himself out of this lonely place. But not having managed to get rid of his earthly idiocy yet, he is too stupid to realize this.