Mumbai resident Sriram Savarkar, 39 years of age, residing in a Dadar colony apartment with his wife and two kids, is not your ordinary patriot who buys paper flags on the fifteenth of August every year for his kids or stands up when the national anthem plays at cinema theatres to show his patriotic fervour. Sriram Savarkar believes in being patriotic every waking moment of his life. Unlike your average nationalist, Sriram keeps a paper flag pinned to the shirt he wears every day of the year and stands up to show his respect for the national flag even when India's national anthem plays only in his mind.
"It's extremely hypocritical to stand up when the national anthem is being played only when you are inside a cinema hall. A true patriot should show his respect for the country, for the tricolor and for the national anthem, whenever and wherever the anthem is played." Savarkar told his fellow passengers commuting with him in 8:25 AM Churchgate local after they failed to stand up when his mobile phone rang blaring the ring-tone "Jana Gana Mana".
"It's extremely hypocritical to stand up when the national anthem is being played only when you are inside a cinema hall. A true patriot should show his respect for the country, for the tricolor and for the national anthem, whenever and wherever the anthem is played." Savarkar told his fellow passengers commuting with him in 8:25 AM Churchgate local after they failed to stand up when his mobile phone rang blaring the ring-tone "Jana Gana Mana".