Prominent BJP leader, Murli Manohar Joshi today in exclusive interview to said that obituaries written for BJP were a bit premature and that the party would survive as long as Hinduism continues to survive in this country. The professor of physics who was also a high-ranking minister in Vajpayee's cabinet reminded detractors of BJP that Hinduism is the oldest surviving religion in the world and the only pagan religion that has survived the modern age of monolithic religions. "A political party that is based on the vile(s) values and principles of the oldest religion in the world can never die" thundered Joshi.
Joshi said that the present controversies surrounding the party were insignificant and would not in any way damage the long-term health of the party. "Our sickular media which doesn't appreciate or understand our inglourious glorious Hindu culture is making mountains out of molehills."
"All BJP leaders including dissenters have been heavily inspired by Hindu gods and our epic heroes. Their actions are completely consistent with the actions of our mythological heroes and they should be judged by the standards of our ancient Hindu culture and not by west-inspired liberal culture promoted by our media."
Joshi said that the present controversies surrounding the party were insignificant and would not in any way damage the long-term health of the party. "Our sickular media which doesn't appreciate or understand our inglourious glorious Hindu culture is making mountains out of molehills."
"All BJP leaders including dissenters have been heavily inspired by Hindu gods and our epic heroes. Their actions are completely consistent with the actions of our mythological heroes and they should be judged by the standards of our ancient Hindu culture and not by west-inspired liberal culture promoted by our media."