According to the journalist who had met some of the scientists working in top-secret underground laboratories, these mad scientists are having a ball, laughing at the utter cluelessness of billions who buy their lies about the dangerousness of their lab-created viruses. "We deliberately choose funny names for the flu's developed due to our designer viruses that mimic popular swear words and insults. First we gave you MAD-cow disease, then we released FOOT & MOUTH virus, next we gave you CHICKEN Flu and now it is SWINE Flu. But except for a few, most people still haven't got the joke. So now we are moving to even more audacious-sounding names - Donkey flu and Bullshit flu." one of the mad scientist told Jane BurgerMister.
BurgerMister told that these underground laboratories have been storing hundreds of different strains of viruses since last century which are periodically released first in animals and at a later stage amongst humans. WHO, an organization which was created by the cartel, is then used to generate panic by raising pandemic levels and predicting millions of infections and possible deaths. Clueless governments and media soon follow the lead and help create mass-hysteria which of course translates into billions of dollars of new revenue streams for drug and vaccine companies.
As per the plans, initially donkeys will be infected by new strain of virus which at a later stage will pass on to humans causing a condition that will also be called Ass or Anal flu. The symptoms of this flu will be severe itching in the anus and experiencing severe burning sensation in the buttocks. A highly contagious virus, it will transmit from one person to another through farting or releasing gas. Once humans are infected by the virus, and few of the infected - suffering due to poor immune system or a severe underlying health condition - die after detection of this strain of virus in their body, as per the usual formula, their deaths would be labelled as Donkey or Ass flu deaths. WHO will then press the panic button. On cue, local governments and medical authorities will advice people to stop farting in public places. People will be told to eat less, and chew their foods properly to enable proper digestion of food and reduce their chances of releasing gas or farting. After the spread of the virus, people will asked to take even more precautions. Since this virus strain will be highly contagious, underwear and normal pants would be deemed as not hard and impenetrable enough protection to prevent the virus from escaping the anuses of the infected during release of gas or farting and so, people will be instructed to wear added protection like Baby Diapers, either inside or over their pants.
And of course, in such a scenario, toilets will be the most likely places where people will get infected. Hence people will be instructed to keep their toilets clean and will be told to remember to use flush after cleaning their bowels. A likely benefit of the hysteria, especially for Indians, will be that local governments would be under tremendous pressure from citizens to ensure that public toilets are kept clean and sanitized. As a result of the panic, it is likely that all governments will undertake a toilet cleaning drive and for the first time in the history on the nation, we might see public toilets that are hygienized, ultra-clean and highly sanitized. Another benefit of the hysteria that we might see will be banning of shitting in public places and strict enforcement of such a ban. If the mass-hysteria over donkey flu continues for a sufficiently long period of time, we might begin to see first signs of India's transformation from a dirty, filthy unhygienic third-world country to a second-world country.
A year or a two later, bullshit virus will be let loose on the world. As the name suggests, this virus will be thrive inside excreta of bulls and be contagious enough to spread through air or water. Millions of people, especially those in third-world countries like India, where cow dung or bull excreta is commonly found in public spaces like roads, will be at severe risk of being infected by this virus. But, as usual, majority of those who will be contaminated by the new strain of virus would be infected as a result of bullshit spewing from the mouths of television anchors on news channels, from highly exaggerated, panic-inducing headlines of newspapers, from retarded pronouncement of ministers and government officials and of course, from the mouthpieces and shills of corrupt, greedy medical establishment which will continue to lie, exaggerate, distort facts and peddle ineffective, dangerous drugs or vaccines as remedies for non-existing diseases.