As a member of the International Olympic Committee, the ICC is signatory to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s norms, one of which requires players to inform of their whereabouts every day for 3 months.
BCCI has backed our cricketers’ rejection of the clause. We ask people on street what they think...
"Haven't our cricketers learned yet that resistance against Big Brother is futile? Big Brother loves you. If you have nothing to hide, you should unquestioningly allow him to keep tabs on you, watch your every more and know every intimate detail of your life. He is here to stay for keeps and all of us should learn to love him too."
"After reading fake IPL player's blog, my appetite for cricket related gossip has whetted considerably. I hope that after our cricketers sign up, officials at WADA will periodically leak the whereabouts of our players to celebrity gossip channels IndiaTV who can be relied upon to dig deep into the hidden life of our cricket stars if they are provided adequate information."
"If an international superstar like Rafael Nadal has no qualms being a gutless, spineless coward who accepts blatant invasion of his privacy without protesting, why should MS Dhoni have any problems? Our players should stop thinking independently for themselves and learn to confirm to arbitrary international rules and regulations imposed on them by people who believe they know what is best for international sports."
"Of course not. Tough problems need tough solutions. The menace of doping in international sports is similar to menace of crime or terrorism in our daily lives. WADA should be congratulated for introducing tough measures to check usage of banned substances. In fact, our police forces can learn something from this and introduce similar measures to control terrorism. Every citizen of the country should be treated like a potential criminal or a terrorist and be compulsorily made to report their whereabouts to the local police station everyday for every day of the year. If they are caught three times not at the place they had reported to the authorities, they should be presumed as being guilty of criminal activity and put behind the bars.
"Over 500 sports federation across the world have accepted the 'whereabouts' clause and thousands of sports persons across all sports categories have signed it. So why cannot BCCI and Indian players accept it too? If everybody does it, how can it be wrong? Why do we always rebel against the international order imposed on us by the whites? Whether it was South Africa's aparthied policy in the past, signing of Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty or WTO's discriminatory rules, India is always the one of the first countries to protest. Why do we always have to stick out like sore thumbs?"