"While we do not consider H1N1 virus dangerous enough to cause even a small fraction of overall human deaths from normal diseases like normal flu, malaria, jaundice, TB, air pollution etc which continue to kill millions of humans every year, the level of hype and panic generated due to alerts issued by WHO is definitely dangerous for us. Human run television channels and
"Usually we are killed because of pork-loving humans. Now we are facing additional threat of being killed because of pig-panicky humans" added Dr. Piggetty Pooh
This is the highest ever human terror alert raised by SHOW and has generated fears that pig specie may be facing extinction. "Our only hope for continued survival on this planet was countries with high number of vegetarians and pork-hating Muslims such as India, a country where we could roam freely on streets without fear of being imprisoned in pig farms. But if the panic of the flu pandemic continues unabated, even Indians may start killing us." said Dr. Ziggy Hog, a biologist working with Swine Survival Society (SSS), an organization dedicated to the prevention of extinction of swines.
But while humans have reacted with abnormal levels of panic despite only few confirmed deaths due to H1N1, the pig population of the world is not taking the heightened human terror alert issued by SHOW very seriously.
Mario Muttonchops, who is being raised in Beverly Hills Pig Farm and faces likely slaughterdom within next few months, brushed off the threat curtly "We are pigs, mate. We are born, we eat, we shit, we are slaughtered and finally consumed by humans. I'll continue to enjoy my life as long as I live. Whether I'm culled today or slaughtered tomorrow makes no difference to how I live my life"
Elaborating on his reincarnation theory, the swami said, "Genetically, pigs are closest to humans, not monkeys. Look at the dominant human race of last century, the Americans. They eat all kind of junk food like us and become obese and rotund. An average American looks more like a fat pig than a monkey. In fact, it is very likely that most of Americans were pigs in their last birth and have carried forward their gluttonous habits in their human life."