It was an electrifying moment of palpable majesté: A breach of centuries-long protocol when the soft-spoken Indian PM Manmohan Singh asked for Barack Obama's autograph.The protocols concerning leaders of sovereign nations have been set in stone for generations. 'Whatever you do,' diplomats are apt to warn, 'don't ask for autographs from a head of a state if you happen to be a head of a state.'
But when Manmohan Singh met with US President Barack Obama, he ignored the warnings and asked him to sign an autograph for his daughter. The sight of an aged and highly distinguished Prime Minister of world's largest democracy requesting autograph from a young newbie astonished guests. An onlooker said, "It was a pretty weird request. We couldn't believe what we were seeing." Horrifyingly, the US President didn't reciprocate the gesture and didn't ask for Indian PM's autograph despite the fact that he actually has a daughter in the 'autograph-seeking' age-group category.
This wasn't the first time Manmohan Singh has broken international protocols by ingratiating himself before US presidents. Earlier during the reign of George W Bush, he shocked the deeply-hated President by gushingly expressing deep-love for him on behalf of all Indians in order to seal the nuclear deal.
So what made the Indian Prime Minister defy good sense and propreity expected from the leader of world's most populous democracy and behave like a star-struck teenager meeting his childhood hero?
According to political analysts, Manmohan Singh disapproves strict international protocols regarding the demeanor and conduct between two heads of sovereign states and believes that leaders of weaker, third-world powers should be allowed to show deference, reverence and admiration towards leaders of superpowers at every available opportunity. A firm believer in sycophancy and highly habituated to toadying - traits which helped him rise to the ranks of Prime Minister despite having no political base - Manmohan Singh believes that India can also rise up the ranks in the league of nations by sucking up to leaders of superpowers like US.
In another breach of protocol - journalistic protocol of impartiality, Simran Ghuman, reporter with Times of India, agreed with Barack Obama that Manmohan Singh was a wonderful man and even took credit for his 'wonderfulness' by thanking the President. A bemused Obama couldn't figure out why she was expressing thankfulness for compliments directed towards Indian Prime Minister and wondered if she had anything to do with that.
Here's the transcript of their brief encounter:
OBAMA: One correspondent not from America, and then I will... (AUDIENCE): India. You know, we're not doing bidding here. Come on. But I also want it make sure that I'm not showing gender bias. So this young lady right here. Not you, sir. I'm sorry. (I'm sure the old turbaned man from India requested my autograph on behalf of all of India, using his daughter only an excuse. I guess I should return the favor by choosing some Indian reporter.)
SIMRAT: Hi, Mr. President. OBAMA: How are you?
SIMRAT: Thank you for choosing me. I'm very well. I'm Simrat from the Times of India. (OMG!!! OBAMA CHOOSE ME..I'M SO GRATEFUL TO YOU..THANK YOU..THANK YOU) OBAMA: Wonderful.
SIMRAT:You met with our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. What did you -- what are you -- what is America doing to help India battle terrorism emanating from Pakistan? (Our government is incapable of dealing with terrorism. We need you help, Uncle Sam! Please, please do something to save us. Help our ineffective PM)
OBAMA: Well, first of all, your prime minister is a wonderful man. (I can't believe he actually asked for my autograph. Such a wonderful old man)
SIMRAT: Thank you. I agree. (OMG! Obama thinks our PM is WONDERFUL! As an Indian I feel honored. Thank you, Sir for honoring us)
(LAUGHTER) (WTF!! Why is everyone laughing? Did I say something stupid?)
I agree. (Actually I would like to see youngistan's candidate Rahul as PM, but if Obama thinks he is wonderful, how can I possibly disagree?)
OBAMA: You know, did you have something to do with that? You seem to kind of take credit for it a little bit there. (Is this sweet, gentle & humble old man your sugar daddy? Seems unlikely, but you never know what ..)
(LAUGHTER)QUESTION: We're really proud of him, so... (Not really. We are awaiting a leader like YOU..But as Indians, we are really proud that you like him and think that he is wonderful)
OBAMA: Of course. You should be proud of him. I'm teasing you..(Of course, you should be proud of him. Admiring journos experiencing pride for us and not asking tough questions at press conferences makes our jobs so much easier!)
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