This message is only for those below the age of 18..
Since, if you are above 18, you are most likely to be influenced by movie stars like Aamir Khan exhorting you to vote OR by sponsored advertisements of tea companies yelling at you to wake up from your sweet slumber. If watching celebrities, who themselves never vote, preaching to you about the merits of voting hasn't infuriated you and if paid campaigns by tea companies haven't sufficiently irritated you to pledge to stay away from polling booths for ever, then chain emails reminding you of your solemn duty to elect right candidates to Parliament will do the trick.
So if you are an 18+ adult, please ignore this message..
But if you are below the age of 18, scroll down..
The Great Indian Election Tamasha is coming..
Please tell your Mummy, Papa and siblings over the age of 18 not to vote.
Tell them to choose the day of elections to catch up on their valuable sleep.
Tell them that if they need to be reminded by a tea company to cast their vote, they obviously don't have the maturity needed to choose the right candidates.
Tell them that even if they are mature enough to cast their vote without the need to be prodded by movie stars and annoying, self-righteous clowns in chai commercials, we don't have good candidates mature enough to deserve their vote.
Ask them why do they want to ruin their precious sleep and stand in a queue in scorching May heat to vote for crooks and liars who have looted the country for decades and stashed away the loot in safe tax havens.
Ask them why do they want to wake up from their slumber to vote for assholes who want to abolish the computer using which you are able to read this message.
Tell them that they are deluded if they believe their vote makes even the slightest difference.
Present to them the choices before them..A. This party keeps flaunting its secular credentials, but conveniently ignores its role in the largest genocide of Sikh community and shamelessly fields a rioter to stand for elections until its shamed by a shoe. The bunch of assholes affiliated with this party don't have a single leader capable of leading them and they keep handing over the reigns of their party to a single family composed of an Italian widow and her retarded son who feels proud of poor people treating poverty as an achievement instead of national shame.
B. This party has only a single agenda - to build a home for its mythological hero born 1.7 million years ago in the town of Ayodhya. When its demented leaders are not dreaming of erecting a homeplace for their beloved god, they are busy planning to cut hands and throats of those who don't worship their mythological hero.
C. This party would make it impossible for you to read this message in future since it is written in English and since you are reading it on the screen of your personal computer.
D. Assorted bunch of crooks, liars, jailed gangsters, tax-evading movie stars, Hitler-wannabes, nephews of Hitler-wannabes, land-grabbing commies, talibani-wannabes, jokers, clowns, ruffians, hooligans, rowdies..
What's common between all of the above?
Ask your mummy & papa that if they are rational, thinking adults why do they want to give to crooks, liars, gangsters, secular-communalists, pure-communalists, land-grabbers, history-sheeters, rioters, jokers, clowns, hooligans and ruffians what they want most.