On March 9, 2008 the Vatican newspaper had published an interview with Bishop Gianfranco Girotti (head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican body which oversees confessions and plenary indulgences), in which he listed seven modern social sins. These "social" sins were given as follows: Environmental pollution, Genetic manipulation, Accumulating excessive wealth, Inflicting poverty, Drug trafficking and consumption, Morally debatable experiments & Violation of fundamental rights of human nature
In a surprise move, hundreds of human rights organization from all over the world, political activists from many countries and activists from NGO's of all hues, jointly issued a statement demanding that the Vatican immediately scrap the new list of seven deadly sins as the inclusion of the activities listed in the new sin list can potentially damage the credibility and seriousness of the violations concerned with these activities and downgrade them from serious crimes to mere 'sins'
How can sexual attraction be equated with horrendous crimes of human rights violations like torture, asks human rights activist, Amero Sanchez
"The seven original sins listed by the church - Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy & pride - are not taken seriously even by devout catholics and are regarded as a joke by most people all over the world. By clubbing environmental & social crimes of a very serious nature along with the original list of sins, the Vatican is guilty of seriously undermining efforts of thousands of non-governmental organizations all over the world to stop environmental violations and prevent exploitation and abuse of weaker sections of society" said Dr. Joseph Sinatra, spokesperson of the newly created front.

Is subjecting prisoners to torture and abuse nothing worse than gluttony which many modern researchers claim is a disease arising of boredom and loneliness
At a protest-movement organized by the front outside the precincts of the Vatican, many activists spoke out against the expansion of the sin list. Environment activist and member of Greenpeace, John Passacantando pointed out that the so-called original seven 'deadly' sins are not regarded as sins even by most environmental and human right activists.
Inflicting poverty, directly or indirectly, is a social crime of mammoth proportions effecting billions of people. How can the Vatican club it would a frivolous emotion like envy which everyone suffers from at some time or other, communists and socialists demand to know
"The Media and its organs promote lust, multi-national food corporations promote gluttony; greed has been officially declared as good by advertisers and marketmen, anger and wrath are seen as important human emotions which should not be curbed, jealousy and envy are regarded as healthy emotions as long as they lead to self-improvement and competitiveness, people are encouraged to accomplish a lot and feel pride about their achievements. We live in a world where where these seven original sins are glamorized and promoted as virtues. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the seven original deadly sins make the world go round. By clubbing environmental and social crimes with these 'sexy' sins, the Vatican is guilty of glamorizing serious crimes against the environment" screamed Mr. Passacantando at the rally.
Greed is good, shout advertisers from every hoarding. Human right activists fear that by clubbing human right violations with greed, the Vatican is sending all the wrong signals
Another speaker, activist from human rights organization Amnesty International, Amero Sanchez said "For several decades we have worked hard to create awareness about human rights and educate people about the value of protecting rights of all humans irrespective of their racial, communal or political affiliations. By clubbing human right violations along with common biologically-generated passions like lust or gluttony, the Vatican is sending wrong signals - that violating human rights is only as bad as having lustful thoughts in your head about your sexy girl-next-cubicle, having a seven-course meal or desiring to become rich quickly"
Activists dealing with victims of drug abuse are angry with the Vatican for treating drug-trafficking as just a sin and not recognizing it as a dangerous crime
"Our earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. Land degradation, depleting forest cover, polluted lakes, poor air quality, soil erosion and other such environmental horrors are causing diseases, causing extinction of thousands of species, creating food and water shortages and severely affecting the quality of life of billions. It is downright ridiculous on the part of Vatican to tag criminal activities causing environmental degradation as mere 'sins'." added Bill Lillie, director of Save the Earth foundation.
Pride or Sloth might be bad, but sloth or pride doesn't ravage the earth, pollute the air and waters and lay waste thousands of acres of fertile land, says Bill Lillie
"I was a proud sinner" bragged film-maker Michael Moore in a dramatic manner "I'm lustful, guilty of gluttony, greedy for publicity and fame, proud of my accomplishments as a film-maker, envious of slim people and wrathful towards republicans. But I'm also a good man. I care for the environment, I fight for protection of human rights, I stand for taking strong steps to end poverty, I am for increasing taxation for the super-rich and against propagation of genetically-modified crops."
"But with the new additions in the sin list, I'm in danger of becoming only half the sinner I was. I demand that the Vatican scrap the new sin list and let me remain the proud sinner I was" said Moore with a chuckle.