Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, in an unusual move has decided that he wishes to undonate the land donated by him and his son Abhishek in pale village of maval taluka in pune. He sent a letter to pune divisional commissioner, Nitin Kareer demanding that his donated land be undonated and given back to him. But to his dismay, he received a reply from the commissioner stating that there are no provisions under the Indian constitution under which a thing donated can be undonated. The commissioner's reply also pointed out that the word 'undonate' was not a legible word either in the Oxford or Merriam-Webster dictionary, hence his letter would be treated as illegible and consigned to waste paper basket.
For those who came in late, the whole land donation tangle started when Mayawati led Uttar Pradesh government alleged the previous Mulayam Singh led government donated agricultural land to Bachchan illegally. Bachchan went on to declare himself a farmer on the basis of owning this illegally donated land and bought more land near Pune, land which he wouldn't have been able to buy without the title of a farmer. When the Mayawati government filed case against him in the UP court, Bachchan decided that it was better to be a philanthropist than being a disputed farmer owning disputed lands and decided to donate both the lands he had acquired. But when Lucknow high court recently settled the dispute in his favor, Bachchan decided that he preferred being a farmer to being a philanthropist and demanded that the donated land be undonated and given back to him.
Meanwhile, Amitabh Bachchan's best buddy in parliament, Amar Singh has reacted to the news of the rejection of Bachchan's demand of land undonation with usual sound and fury. In Rajya Sabha, Singh demanded that the government should introduce law allowing undonation of donations. "Donations need not be treated as fait accompli and should be reversible in view of changed circumstances." he said.
Later speaking to news reporters, Singh denied the allegation that all of his sound and fury is reserved only for his buddy Mr.Bachchan. "I'm a representative of the common man and not Amitabhji's PA. My demand in the parliament for allowing undonations of donations was raised for the benefit of common people on the street. For example, if you donate 10 rupees to a beggar begging for food but later find the beggar using your donated amount to buy bidis or paan, you should have a right to demand back your donated ten rupee note."