Following the outcry over religious discrimination against Muslims after Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi complained to the State Minorities Commission (SMC) that he was denied an apartment in a housing society in the posh Pali Hill area of Mumbai due to his religion, the government of India has issued an ordinance declaring 23 per cent reservations for Muslims in all co-operative housing societies across India.
Minister of Urban development Jaipal Reddy said in Parliament today that post 9/11, Muslims have become the new untouchables of our society and therefore they need to be given constitutional protection from religious discrimination through affirmative action schemes. The minister compared the denial of flats in housing societies to Muslims to denial of water from the village well to Dalits and other backward castes amidst loud protests by members of Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) who rushed to the well of the house shouting slogans against this move by the government.
“This ordinance is another instance of appeasement of the minority community by the congress government and we will oppose it tooth and nail” said an aggrieved L.K.Advani speaking to reporters after the end of the parliamentary session.
Outside the parliament, the decision by the government was welcomed by majority of Muslim groups and many other minority groups who said that this ordinance will send a strong signal to those who discriminate against Muslims by denying houses or jobs to them and help end ghettoization of the Muslim community.
Expectedly, this move has met with tremendous resistance from all sections of the population who have condemned it as a dangerous act which will further split the two communities and create more bitterness between them instead of integrating them.
Reacting to the ordinance, Bhartiya Yuva Manch, Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad and many other youth organizations not affiliated with Indian National Congress said that reservations for Muslims in residential societies was another blow to the principle of meritocracy.
Akhilesh Bharti, President of Bhartiya Yuva Manch said that houses should be provided to people on merit and not on the basis of their religion. Refuting the argument of religious discrimination, he said that if there were some instances of Muslims being denied apartments in housing societies it was only because they were less qualified than Hindus in gaining membership of housing societies.
“If Muslims wish to move out of their ghettos and live in residential societies they should prove themselves worthy of living in housing societies on the basis of merit” he said.
Explaining his stand, he said that Hindus, Christians or Sikhs were more deserving than Muslims for priority preference in housing due to the following reasons:
- While all Muslims are not terrorists, all terrorists are Muslims. Comparatively, while all Hindus, Sikhs or Christians are not terrorists, bigots, communalists, racists or casteists; all terrorists, bigots or racists are also not just Hindus, Sikhs or Christians. Hence Hindus, Sikhs or Christians are slightly better off compared to Muslims and deserve priority in housing.
- While nearly 99.5 percent of Muslims are non-vegetarians, only 67 percent of Hindus are meat-eaters. Vegetarianism being a superior and healthier life-style, first preference given to Hindus in matters relating to housing shouldn’t be considered as religious discrimination, but as legitimate affirmative measure by housing societies to promote vegetarianism.
- Hinduism is the oldest surviving religion in the world while Islam is one of the youngest. Hinduism was born inside our country but Islam was introduced in our country by foreign invaders. Thus Hindus have an overall meritorious edge over Muslims on the basis of age, experience and nativity.
Meanwhile, the secretary of Nibbana Cooperative Society, under fire for refusing Emraan Hashmi a flat in the society, denied that he was turned away due to his religion. “We are more concerned with his reputation as a serial-kisser and want to protect the bahus & betis of our society of any unwarranted attention from his roving lips”